BMI20110000145 BMI 978-92-79-14051-8 doi:10.2767/77495 eng 314.15(4-672 UE):314.7 Links between migration and discriminatio [Recurso electrónico] : European Network of Legal Experts in the non-discrimination field Olivier de Schutter Manuscript completed in July 2009 Datos textuales Luxembourg : Publications Office of the European Union , 2009 88 p. Modo de acceso: This report aims to describe the links between nationality and protection from discrimination under EU and international law as well as in the domestic legal systems of EU Member States. Its purpose is to identify whether third-country nationals are protected once they enter the European Union from discrimination on grounds of nationality and from discrimination on grounds of race, ethnic origin or religion in situations where nationality is used as a proxy for these grounds Copia digital . Fundación para el Desarrollo de los Pueblos de Andalucía Texto en inglés Discriminación Integración de los inmigrantes Europa Documentos Electrónicos On Line Comisión Europea Oficina de Publicaciones de la Unión Europea , ed. BMI20110000145 Intranet